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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Knitting, Crochet and Books in Progress!

It's been a while, but I've talked with my editor (a lovely and gracious woman) at Kalmbach Publishing who also published my first book (see it here) about blogging the development and writing of a book. As long as I don't use specific material from the books, I can share the process here.

Right now, I am working on two books - one each for new knitters and new crocheters. We're actually well into it now and are at the pattern drafting stage. That means making swatches, working out the math and then putting it together into a project that works.

This morning, I've just finished a swatch with a nice Bam Boo yarn from Classic Elite. It's really lovely and drapes beautifully. It puts me in mind of nice summer weight things -things that we can actually wear here in Florida! I'll put that idea on my ever growing list of things to do when the books are done.

One other fabulous thing I stumbled on - the wrist yarn holder by Lacis (here) This is great! It lets me make swatches and other work while standing and walking around. I'm working up to taking it with me on my morning walk.