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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's Knit! Contest Giveaway

Imagine my surprise yesterday when Google found me over at the Junk Creation blog where you can enter to win a Christmas for Crafters gift package.

The prize package includes a copy of "Let's Knit!", as well as "Easy Birthstone Jewelry", a 2009 Beadstyle Calendar and the latest issues of Beadstyle, Art Jewelry and Bead and Button magazines.

It's simple to enter and the contest is open to everyone including international readers. Just go to Junk Creation and leave a comment. Be sure to tell Peggy about your Christmas craft projects as well.

If you win, let me know and I'll send you an autographed book plate for your copy of "Let's Knit!". Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Hi Monette. Thanks for the post!

Timaree said...

Thanks for the link. That's great that you get your book and name "out there". Even though I don't need a how to knit book, I'd love to win it to see what you have in it and then I'd try to get my granddaughters to pick up the habit.

Timaree said...

Did you have a goldfinch painting on your etsy shop? Did it sell? Someone who came to my blog and saw your notecards was interested in it. I hope she got it.